Applied Energistics 2 is extremely configurable and supports 100% customize-able recipes if desired, This page will direct you on how to get started.
First you'll want to start the game for the first time with AE2 installed to generate the config file. Once this is done you'll open it to find
Set this value to true, by doing this it will tell AE2 to load the recipes from the config folder instead of the jar. Next you'll need to open the AE2 jar file and extract a few files, remember that the jar is just a zip file;
You'll want to open it up in your favorite archive tool, and navigate to assets/appliedenergistics2/recipes. This folder will contain a number of files such as index.recipe and tools.recipe; simply extract these files to your config/AppliedEnergistics2/ folder.
Do not extract the folder, but rather its contents, so you should now have a index.recipe file in your config/AppliedEnergistics2/ folder.
At this point if you load AE2 it should have the normal standard recipes available. but now you can make changes to the recipe files.
The recipe file is fairly simple; each recipe starts with the type= such as "inscribe=" followed by a list of inputs then a "->" then the output.
Each item is referenced by a name space, and a name, for example all of minecrafts items use the namespace "minecraft" so a glass block would be "minecraft:glass" if you use an alias you can shorten this to "mc:glass" for instance.
The recipe system also exposes access to the oredictionary via a namespace, so you can use "oredictionary:glass" to use any type of glass.
In closing, you'll probably want to explore the files to see how things work and make changes you want by editing the files that are already there, if you want to remove a recipe not found in the recipe files such as in world crafting you must disable this in the AE2 config file.
Last modified on 06/23/2014 02:38 PM CDT By AlgorithmX2 |