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Feature: #0886 - Crafting & Pattern Terminal Readout for Quantity Craftable

Type: Member
Joined: 07/08/2014
Tracker ID:#0886
It would be helpful to display a number showing how many of the current pattern you have the stored resources to make, even if it only uses the exact items currently in the grid to calculate this. Alternatively (or additionally) the quantity of each resource currently placed on the grid could be displayed, perhaps in the upper right corner of that slot, using the small typeface used in the ME terminals. (If more than one piece of something is used in the recipe, dividing and rounding down to match the distribution might be nice too.) Often you're trying to craft X units of something but you're short on one or more subcomponents and only discover this when part of the recipe vanishes from the crafting terminal before you're finished. Immediately seeing that you have the resources in stock to produce Y units of the item could help speed things up. You wouldn't have to enter searches for each crafting component to manually check your supplies of each one unless the displayed output count was less than your desired "production run". For the pattern terminal, the count obviously would only include items in storage, since only the pattern is shown. The crafting terminal should add +1 to that to account for the materials "stored" in the terminal itself. If the recipe would automatically update to use different ore dictionary items, it would be nice if the count reflected that, but not essential. This could help avoid situations where you've placed a quantity N of a particular resource in the system in order to craft N/X of some item and expect to be able to shift-click the output and receive X items, but other oredict-compatible items are present and you end up making a lot more than X instead.
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